Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy New Year!

For the first time in a very long time, I didn't come into the new year as excited as I usually do. I wanted to. I was ready for the holidays to be over and me to be loving the new year...but I didn't. I had a bad attitude. There wasn't even one specific reason or any real reason. I was just in a bad head space. Which was totally annoying. Of course that bad mood didn't stop my normal New Year purging/organization fest that comes over me every year. I can't even stop that shit.

Luckily I bucked up and put on my big girl panties. I'm finally in my normal new year excited mood that I love. The kitchen is organized. The living room is back to it's normal happy self...it took a real hit between Christmas, my sister visiting, and people over for new years eve and new years day. I had already hit the hall and bedroom closet earlier in December. There are a few little areas to get to, but they are really low on the list. The rest of the house is in a good spot. But the garage is on my radar...

The only thing really left was my New Years Not Resolutions. I don't do resolutions if you remember and this really isn't a resolution so much as continued goals that Mario and I have. One of the big things Mario and I have is to buy a house in about a year. There are good things and hard work attached to that goal.

 First, this means we need to get rid of more debt. We ended last year in a good spot with debt. We had gotten rid of some bills and started focusing on how to start really hitting our student loans. We also have to really hunker down and save the money! So, one of the major projects I gave myself was to go through the last three months of our banking and find out how much money we spend and where. Holy hell! I will not tell how much going out to eat costs! I really had no idea. It was enough of a shock that I made two weeks work of crock pot meals that are now sitting in my freezer...no joking.

I'm excited about the second part..starting a family. One of the things that I don't think I've ever mentioned on here is my inability to get pregnant. Not that it's a secret. I just haven't really gone into it. I am 37 years old and want to be a mother. Mario wants to be a father.  One of our major problems with fertility treatment and private adoption of a baby is money. We don't have that kind of money. We can't see putting ourselves into that much more debt, when there are children in Los Angeles county that need parents. Part of us buying a house means that we can adopt. Really we need a second bedroom. I know that's a very simplified way to put it but it's true. We are going to start that classes for adoption and fostering next month. I'm excited and scared...but far more excited! We'll see what happens. Of course, we'll still keep trying to get pregnant!

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