Thursday, April 24, 2014

We is Organized!

I shopped...and I scrutinized...and I bought what I hope will be the answer to all my camping organizational needs. I actually did pretty good. I bought three smaller bins and one drawer set...and some how it was a perfect fit!
                                                             I took these four bins...

 and exchanged them for these...

Square footage wise, it's not much of a difference. However, they are far more organized. The big drawer bin is all kitchen, washing, and fire needs. Almost two of the big bins fit into the drawers. Hopefully there will be no more digging around the bins looking for the little stuff that fell to the bottom. There are two small drawers, perfect for all the small stuff that we need fairly often.

One of the bins to the left of the drawers is lantern, headlamps, flashlights, and fuel. The second bin to the left is basically the set-up bin, tarps and stuff for setting up tents. The two bins on the top are optional really. One has hats and games and the other has a random inflatable mattress in it that we just bring as a back up. I like this setup because any of the drawers or the smaller bins are a great size to wash dishes in. 

In organizing this all, I got rid of a few things. However, I really hope to keep an eye on things this weekend that we really don't use. I'd like to start keeping things more minimal or at least more realistic. I'm pretty excited though, I think the drawers will keep a lot of stuff off the tables and out of site.

Now I just have to prepare for the weather change that I just saw in the forecast. I knew it would be 50-60s in the day and 30s at night. However, when I checked the weather today, I saw that there might be snow showers on Saturday. This makes me happy that Mario and I are going up on Friday to set up. Mario has been in snow but has never seen snow falling. So, as long as I pack warm enough clothes and blankets, we are more than ok with the snow! 

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